DCI 108 Portfolio Website

Welcome to Maia Baldridge's Portfolio Website!

Thank you for visiting my website! My name is Maia Baldridge, and I am a student at Washington & Lee University, where I am majoring in mathematics. On this website, you can find out more about me personally and as a budding mathematician. Enjoy!

MATHS"MATHS" by Klara Kim is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

About Me

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My name is Maia Baldridge, and I attend Washington & Lee University in Lexington, VA. I plan on graduating with a Bachelors of Science in Mathematics in May 2023.

Being able to study at a top liberal arts university has been a dream come true for me. I grew up in rural Virginia with my two older silbings and our immigrant mother, who worked multiple jobs and made numerous sacrifices to make sure we had enough. My mother taught my siblings and I that life would not be easy, but she always reminded us to dream. My dream is to become a real mathematician.


My Projects
Project Purpose Date What I Learned
Spirolateral Graphs A presentation created for the Advanced Immersion and Mentoring program Summer 2019 This was my first experience with pure math research, so I learned what number theory is, how to work collectively with a group to reach shared goals, and how to present in front of an audience of STEM researchers.
Sierpinski & Riesel Numbers A presentation created for the Shenandoah Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference September 2019 This was my first math conference, so I gained integral experience in presenting in front of a large crowd of other math undergraduate students.
Number Theory & Cyber Security A presentation created for INTR 200 in preparation for becoming a 2 year Summer Research Fellow May 2020 For this project, I learned how to write and present a research grant proposal, how to conduct research ethically and consciously, and how to present a pure math project in front of a non-math audience.
Polygonal, Sierpinski, and Riesel Numbers An ongoing project in which I am working with Dr. Finch-Smith for my 2 year Summer Research Fellowship Summer 2020 For this project, Dr. Finch-Smith has taught me research techniques, as well as mathematical proof-writing techniques.
Geometric Projective Planes A project completed for MATH 343 October 2020 This project discusses projections of geometric figures and their real life applications. I learned how to use the program GeoGebra to show geometric projections visually.

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